Publications scientifiques et médicales internationales



65. Boiron F., Cassagne C., Darriet D., Bourre J.M.
Evidence of an abnormal stearoyl-CoA hydrolysis in a membrane pellet from Trembler sciatic nerves.
Neurosci. Lett. 33, 91-96 (1982).

66. Bourre J.M.
Boichemistry of brain lipids (especially fatty acids). In situ synthesis and exogenous origin during during development. Various aspects of nutritional effects.
Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 22, 179-191 (1982).

67. Bourre J.M., Boutry J.M., Masson M., Hauw J.J.
Peripheral nerve cells in culture rich in Schwann cells incorporate and metabolize trans-unsaturated fatty acid (elaïdic acid) as well as physiological cis isomer (oleic acid).
Neurosci. Lett. 30, 173-178 (1982).

68. Bourre J.M., Chanez C., Dumont O., Flexor M.A.
Alteration of 5'-Nucleotidase and Na+, K+ATPase in central and peripheral nervous tissue from dysmyelinating mutants (Jimpy, Quaking, Trembler, Shiverer and mld). Comparison with CNPase in the developing sciatic nerve from Trembler.
J. Neurochem. 38, 643-649 (1982).

69. Cantrill R.C., Bourre J.M., Boutry J.M., Hauw J.J.
A comparison of fatty acid activation in sciatic nerve and Schwann cell rich cultures from normal and Trembler mice.
Neurosci. Lett. 31, 185-188 (1982).

70. Lefaix J.L., Koenig H.L., Vigny M., Bourre J.M.
Motor innervation of the Trembler mouse.
Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 22, 275-282 (1982).

71. Morand O., Chanez C., Masson M., Dumont O., Flexor M.A., Baumann N., Bourre J.M.
Alteration in fatty acid composition of neurons, astrocytes, oligodendroyctes, myelin and synaptosomes in intrauterine malnutrition in rat.
Ann. Nutr. Metab. 26, 111-120 (1982).

72. Paturneau-Jouas M., Durand G., Nouvelot A., Masson M., Bourre J.M.
Influence of dietary essential fatty acid level on fatty acid composition in peripheral nerve and muscle.
Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 22, 193-200 (1982).


73. Bourre J.M., Faivre A., Dumont O., Nouvelot A., Loudes C., Puymirat J., Tixier-Vidal A.
Effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on fetal mouse brain cells in culture in a chemically defined medium.
J. Neurochem. 41, 1234-1242 (1983).

74. Bourre J.M., Faivre-Bauman A., Dumont O., Nouvelot A., Loudes C., Puymirat J., Tixier-Vidal A.
Influence de la supplémentation en acides gras polyinsaturés de milieux de culture sur la morphologie et la composition des cultures de cellules foetales de cerveau de souris.
C.R. Acad. Sc. 296, 629-632 (1983).

75. Cantrill R.C., Bourre J.M.
Fatty acid activation in the brains of neurologically mutant mice.
Int. J. Biochem. 15, 575-577 (1983).

76. Darriet D., De Nechaud B., Rabaud M., Jeantet C., Cassagne C., Bourre J.M.
Fractionnement d'un homogénat de nerf sciatique de souris normale, Trembler et Quaking sur gradient continu de saccharose.
C.R. Acad. Sc. 296, 689-692 (1983).

77. De Nechaud B., Jeantet C., Bourre J.M.
Présence des sous unités a et b de la tubuline dans la myéline de cerveau de souris.
C.R. Acad. Sc. 296, 11-13 (1983).

78. De Nechaud B., Wolff A., Jeantet C., Bourre J.M.
Characterization of tubulin in mouse brain myelin.
J. Neurochem. 41, 1538-1544 (1983).

79. Nouvelot A., Bourre J.M., Sezille G., Dewailly P., Jaillard J.
Changes in the fatty acid patterns of brain phospholipids during development of rats fed peanut or rapeseed oil, taking into account differences between milk and maternal food.
Ann. Nutr. Metab. 27, 173-181 (1983).

80. Nouvelot A., Dedonder-Decoopman E., Sezille G., Paturneau-Jouas M., Dumont O., Masson M., Bourre J.M.
Effect of the linolenic acid content of the mother’s diet on the polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of subcellular fractions in brain development in the rat.
Ann. Nutr. Metab. 27, 233-241 (1983).


81. Boiron F., Darriet D., Bourre J.M., Cassagne C.
Decreased biosynthesis of saturated C20-C24 fatty acids by the Trembler mouse sciatic nerve.
Neurochem. Int. 6, 109-116 (1984).

82. Bourre J.M.
Neurochemistry of lipids in the nervous system, fatty acids in particular. Neurotoxicologic prospects.
C. R; Seances Soc. Biol. Fil. 178, 595-611 (1984).

83. Bourre J.M.
Cerebral fatty acids. Synthesis in situ and food intake.
Diabete Metab. 10, 324-331 (1984).

84. Bourre J.M., Dumont O., Gumpel M., Cassagne C.
Alteration of sulfatide synthesis in control and trembler mice during wallerian degeneration and remyelination.
Neurochem. Path. 2, 153-161 (1984).

85. Bourre J.M., Pascal G., Durand G., Masson M., Dumont O., Piciotti M.
Alterations in the fatty acid composition of rat brain cells (neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) and of subcellular fractions (myelin and synaptosomes) induced by a diet devoid of n-3 fatty acids.
J. Neurochem. 43, 342-348 (1984).

86. Campagnoni A.T., Campagnoni C.W., Bourre J.M., Jacque C., Baumann N.
Cell-free synthesis of myelin basic proteins in normal and dysmyelinating mutant mice.
J. Neurochem. 42, 733-739 (1984).

87. Massiou H., HauW J.J., Bourre J.M., Jacque C;, Baumann N.
Recent data on Schwann cells.
Pathol. Biol. 32, 59-69 (1984).


88. Bourre J.M., Chanez C., Dumont O., Durand G., Faivre A., Nouvelot A., Pascal G., Piciotti M.
Specific contribution of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 series to the development of nervous system membranes.
Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 52, 335-340 (1985).

89. Bourre J.M., Dumont O.
Changes in fatty acid elongation in developing mouse brain by mercury, comparison with other metals.
Toxicol. Lett. 25, 19-23 (1985).

90. Homayoun P., Roux F., Niel E., Bourre J.M.
The synthesis of lipids from (1-14C) acetate by isolated rat brain capillaries.
Neurosci. Lett. 62, 143-147 (1985).

91. Nouvelot A., Dedonder E., Sezille G., Bourre J.M.
Effects of the essential fatty acid content of the diet on the distribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the lipoproteins of the rat pup.
Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 25, 251-253 (1985).

92. Nouvelot A., Dedonder E., Dewailly P., Bourre J.M.
Influence des n-3 exogènes sur la composition en acides gras polyinsaturés de la rétine. Aspects structural et physiologique.
Cah. Nutr. Diet. XX, 2, 123-125 (1985).

93. Vallat J.M., Bourre J.M., Dumont O., Leboutet M.J., Loubet A., Corvisier N., Dumas M.
Case of dementia and myoclonia in an adult associated with anomalies in polyunsaturated fatty acids in leukocytes and peripheral nerve. An ultrastructural study of peripheral nerve.
Eur. Neurol. 24, 208-216 (1985).

94. Yao J.K, Bourre J.M.
Metabolic alterations of endoneurial lipids in developing trembler nerve.
Brain Res. 325, 21-27 (1985).

95. Youyou A., Durand G., Pascal G., Dumont O., Piciotti M., Bourre J.M.
Importance des acides gras polyinsaturés de la série n-3 dans le système nerveux : une carence nutritionnelle en acide linolénique (18:3 n-3) provoque de graves anomalies dans la composition en acides gras des cellules et organites du cerveau, dont les vitesses de récupération sont extrêmement lentes.
Cah. Nutr. Diet. XX, 2, 115-122 (1985).


96. Bourre J.M., Boiron F., Cassagne C., Dumont O., Leterrier F., Metzger H., Viret J.
Biochemical and physicochemical determinations in a premyelin fraction obtained by zonal centrifugation in normal mouse and in dysmyelinating mutants (Quaking, Shiverer, and myelin deficient).
Neurochem. Pathol. 4, 29-42 (1986).

97. Chanez C., Giguere J.F., Flexor M.A., Bourre J.M.
Effect of lead on Na-K-ATPase activity in the developing brain of intra-uterine growth retarded rats.
Neurochem. Pathol. 5, 37-49 (1986).

98. Chao S.W., Bourre J.M.
Incorporation of radioactivity from U-14C-glucose into oligodendrocytes and myelin of Quaking mice and their littermate controls.
Dev. Neurosci. 8, 117-124 (1986).

99. De Nechaud B., Gumpel M., Bourre J.M.
Changes in some myelin protein markers and in cytoskeletal components during Wallerian degeneration of mouse sciatic nerve.
J. Neurochem. 46, 708-716 (1986).

100. Do Thi N.A., Bon C., Koenig H.L., Bourre J.M.
Acetylcholine receptors and acetylcholinesterase activity in soleus muscle of Trembler dysmyelinating mutant: a cytochemical and biochemical analysis.
Neurosci. Lett. 65, 72-78 (1986).

101 Nouvelot A., Delbart C., Bourre J.M.
Hepatic metabolism of dietary alpha-linolenic acid in suckling rats, and its possible importance in polyunsaturated fatty acid uptake by the brain.
Ann. Nutr. Metab. 30, 316-323 (1986).

102. Scherrmann J.M., Terrien N., Urtizberea M., Pierson P., Bourre J.M.
Immunotoxicothérapie : effet protecteur d'anticorps anti-colchicine lors de l'intoxication aiguë à la colchicine chez le lapin et la souris.
C.R. Acad. Sc. 302, 661-664 (1986).

103. Youyou A., Durand G., Pascal G., Piciotti M., Dumont O., Bourre J.M.
Recovery of altered fatty acid composition induced by a diet devoid or n-3 fatty acids in myelin, synaptosomes, mitochondria and microsomes of developing rat brain.
J. Neurochem. 46, 224-228 (1986).