Publications scientifiques et médicales internationales



104. Bourre J.M., Clement M., Chaudiere J.
Alteration of the alpha-tocopherol content in the brain and the peripheral nervous tissue of dysmyelinating mutants.
Neurochem. Pathol. 7, 91-97 (1987).

105. Bourre J.M., Cloez I., Galliot M., Busine A., Dumont O., Piciotti M., Prouillet F., Bourdon R.
Occurence of manganese, copper and zinc in myelin. Alterations in the peripheral nervous system of dysmyelinating trembler mutant are at variance with brain mutants (quaking and shiverer).
Neurochem. Int. 10, 281-286 (1987).

106. Bourre J.M., Youyou A., Durand G., Pascal G.
Slow recovery of the fatty acid composition of sciatic nerve in rats fed a diet initially low in n-3 fatty acids.
Lipids 22, 535-537 (1987).

107. Chaudiere J., Clement M., Driss F., Bourre J.M.
Unaltered brain membranes after prolonged intake of highly oxidizable long-chain fatty acids of the (n-3) series.
Neurosci. Lett. 82, 233-239 (1987).

108. Chaudiere J., Gerard D., Clement M., Bourre J.M.
Induction of selenium-glutathione peroxidase by stimulation of metabolic hydrogen peroxide production in vivo.
Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 18, 247-256 (1987).

109. Cloez I., Dumont O., Piciotti M., Bourre J.M.
Alterations of lipid synthesis in the normal and dysmyelinating trembler mouse sciatic nerve by heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Mn, Cu, Ni).
Toxicology 46, 65-71 (1987).

110. Cloez I., Bourre J.M.
Copper, manganese and zinc in the developing brain of control and quaking mice.
Neurosci. Lett. 83, 118-122 (1987).

111. Domanska-Janik K., Bourre J.M.
Effect of mercury on rabbit myelin CNPase in vitro.
Neurotoxicology 8, 23-32 (1987).

112. Gray F., Destee A., Bourre J.M., Gherardi R., Krivosic I, Warot P., Poirier J.
Pigmentaty type of orthochromatic leukodystrophy (OLD) : a new case with ultrastructural and biochemical study.
J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 46, 585-596 (1987).

113. Homayoun P., Bourre J.M.
Ketone body utilization for energy production and lipid synthesis in isolated rat brain capillaries.
Biochem. Biophys. Acta 922, 345-350 (1987).

114. Morand O., Carre J.B., Homayoun P., Niel E., Baumann N., Bourre J.M.
Arachidonyl-coenzyme A synthetase and nonspecific acyl-coenzyme A. Synthetase activities in purified rat brain microvessels.
J. Neurochem. 48, 1150-1156 (1987).

115. Tayarani I., Chaudiere J., Lefauconnier J.M., Bourre J.M.
Enzymatic protection against peroxidation damage in isolated brain capillaries.
J. Neurochem. 48, 1399-1402 (1987).

116. Tayarani I., Lefauconnier J.M., Bourre J.M.
The effect of mercurials on amino acid transport and rubidium uptake by isolated rat brain microvessels.
Neurotoxicology 8, 543-552 (1987).

117. Tayarani I., Lefauconnier J.M., Roux F., Bourre J.M.
Evidence for an alanine, serine and cysteine system of transport in isolated brain capillaries.
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 7, 585-591 (1987).

118. Theret N., Boulenguer P., Wieruszeski J.M., Fournet B., Fruchart J.C., Bourre J.M., DELBART C.
Structure determination of the polymorphism of acylgalactosylceramide in rat brain by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and proton magnetic resonance.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 917, 194-202 (1987).


119. Bourre J.M.
Free radicals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, cell death, brain aging.
C. R. Seances Soc; Biol. Fil. 182, 5-36 (1988).

120. Bourre J.M., Bonneil M., Dumont O., Piciotti M., Nalbone G., Lafont H.
High dietary fish oil alters the brain polyunsaturated fatty acid composition.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 960, 458-461 (1988).

121. Chanez C., Barone P., Flexor M., Bourre J.M.
Na-K-ATPase activitiy in synaptosomes and myelin of developing control and intra-uterine growth retarded rats : effect of lead and serotonin.
Neurochem. Int. 12, 39-45 (1988).

122. Chaudiere J., Clement M., Gerard D., Bourre J.M.
Brain alterations induced by vitamin E deficiency and intoxication with methyl ethyl ketone peroxide.
Neurotoxicology 9, 173-180 (1988).

123. Clouet P., Bourre J.M.
Ketone body utilization for lipid synthesis in the murine sciatic nerve : alterations in the dysmyelinating trembler mutant.
J. Neurochem. 50, 1494-1497 (1988).

124. Cunnane S.C., Prohaska J.R., Bourre J.M.
Tissue fatty acid and lipid composition in genetically copper deficient mice.
FASEB J. 2, A1205 (1988).

125. Domanska-Janik K., Gajkowska B., De Nechaud B., Bourre J.M.
Myelin composition, and activities of CNPase and Na+K+ATPase in hypomylinated "pt" mutant rabbit.
J. Neurochem. 50, 122-130 (1988).

126. Guedeney X., Scherrmann J.M., Chanez C., Bourre J.M.
Endogenous or “digoxin-like” digitalis compounds. Physiopathological, analytical and pharmacokinetic impact.
Therapie 43, 165-173 (1988).

127. Homayoun P., Bourre J.M.
Acetoacetate, D-3-hydroxybutyrate and glucose utilization by capillaries isolated from developing rat brain.
Neurochem. Int. 13, 429-433 (1988).

128. Homayoun P., Durand G., Pascal G., Bourre J.M.
Alteration in fatty acid composition of adult rat brain capillaries and choroid plexus induced by a diet deficient in (n-3) fatty acids. Slow recovery after substitution with a nondeficient diet.
J. Neurochem. 51, 45-48 (1988).

129. Serrie A., Sandouk P., Thurel C., Scherrmann J.M., Cunin G., Bourre J.M. Langlande A., Echter E.
Analgesia by intra-cerebro-ventricular injection of morphine in cancer pain: clinical and pharmacokinetic studies.
Agressologie 29, 81-86 (1988).

130. Souyri F., Barguil S., Bourre J.M.
Decreased metabolism of cerebrosides and sulfatides in rat sciatic nerve after intraneural injection of colchicine.
J. Neurochem. 51, 599-604 (1988).

131. Theret N., Boulenguer P., Fournet B., Fruchart J.C., Bourre J.M., Delbart C.
Acylgalactosylceramides in developing dysmyelinating mutant mice.
J. Neurochem. 50, 883-888 (1988).

132. Ziylan Y.Z., Lefauconnier J.M., Bernard G., Bourre J.M.
Effect of dexametazone on transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid and sucrose across the blood-brain barrier.
J. Neurochem. 51, 1338-1342 (1988).


133. Bourre J.M.
Nature, origine et rôle des acides gras du système nerveux : un acide gras essentiel, l'acide alpha-linolénique, module la structure et la fonction cérébrales.
Bull. Acad. Natl. Med., 173, 1137-1148 (1989).

134. Bourre J.M., Clement M., Gerard D., Chaudiere J.
Alterations of cholesterol synthesis precursors (7-dehydrocholesterol, 7-dehydrodesmosterol, desmosterol) in dysmyelinating neurological mutant mouse (Quaking, Shiverer and Trembler) in PNS and CNS.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1004, 387-390 (1989).

135. Bourre J.M., Dumont O., Piciotti M., Pascal G., Durand G.
Composition of nerve biomembranes and nutritional fatty acids.
Nutrition 5, 266-270 (1989).

136. Bourre J.M., Durand G., Pascal G., Youyou A.
Brain cell and tissue recovery in rats made deficient in n-3 fatty acids by alteration of dietary fat.
J. Nutr. 119, 15-22 (1989).

137. Bourre J.M., Francois M., Youyou A., Dumont O., Piciotti M., Pascal G. Durand G.
The effects of dietary alpha-linolenic acid on the composition of nerve membranes, enzymatic activity, amplitude of electrophysiological parameters, resistance to poisons and performance of learning tasks in rats.
J. Nutr. 119, 1880-1892 (1989).

138. Carre J.B., Morand O., Homayoun P., Roux F., Bourre J.M., Baumann N.
Purified rat brain microvessels exhibit both acid and neutral sphingomyelinase activities.
J. Neurochem. 52, 1294-1299 (1989).

139. Chanez C., Flexor M.A., Bourre J.M.
Effect of organic and inorganic mercuric salts on Na+K+ATPase in different cerebral fractions in control and intrauterine growth-retarded rats : alterations induced by serotonin.
Neurotoxicology 10, 699-706 (1989).

140. Cloez I., Tayarani I., Morel F., Bourre J.M.
Alterations in protective enzymes against peroxidation in the central and peripheral nervous system of control and dysmyelinating mutant mice.
J. Neurochem. 52, 1353-1358 (1989).

141. Homayoun P., Bentejac M., Lecerf J., Bourre J.M.
Uptake and utilization of double-labeled high-density lipoprotein sphingomyelin in isolated brain capillaries of adult rats.
J. Neurochem. 53, 1031-1035 (1989).

142. Koenig J., Hantaz-Ambroise D., De La Porte S., Do Thi N.A., Bourre J.M., La Chapelle F., KOENIG H.L.
In vitro evidence for a neurite growth-promoting activity in trembler mouse serum.
Int. J. Devl. Neurosci. 7, 281-294 (1989).

143. Roux F., Mokni R., Hughes C., Clouet P., Lefauconnier J.M., Bourre J.M.
Lipid synthesis by rat brain microvessel endothelial cells in tissue culture.
J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 48, 437-447 (1989).

144. Scherrmann J.M., Terrien N., Utizberea M., Pierson P., Denis H., Bourre J.M.
Immunotoxicotherapy : present status and future trends.
J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. 27, 1-35 (1989).

145. Souyri F., Bourre J.M.
Altered metabolism of rat contralateral sciatic nerve after microinjection into the endoneurium of the ipsilateral sciatic nerve.
Neurosci. Lett. 96, 351-355 (1989).

146. Souyri F., Maladry-Muller P., Bourre J.M.
Alteration of axonal microfilaments alters Schwann cell lipid metabolism.
Mol. Chem. Neuropathol. 11, 87-98 (1989).

147. Tayarani I., Cloez I., Clément M., Bourre J.M.
Antioxidant enzymes and related trace elements in aging brain capillaries and choroid plexus.
J. Neurochem. 53, 817-824 (1989).

148. Tayarani I., Cloez I., Lefauconnier J.M., Bourre J.M.
Sodium-dependent high-affinity uptake of taurine by isolated rat brain capillaries.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 985, 168-172 (1989).

149. Theret N., Bourre J.M., Fruchart J.C., Delbart C.
Intramyelinic conversion of cerebrosides into acylgalactosylceramides.
Neurochem. Res. 14, 1235-1240 (1989).

150. Urtizberea M., Bourre J.M., Debray M., Scherrmann J.M.
Comparison of colchicine toxicity on different dysmyelinating mutant models.
Neurotoxicology 10, 211-217 (1989).

151. Valenzuela A., Lefauconnier J.M., Chaudiere J., Bourre J.M.
Effects of lead acetate on cerebral glutathione peroxidase and catalase in the suckling rat.
Neurotoxicology 10, 63-70 (1989).

152. Ziylan Y.Z., Lefauconnier J.M., Bernard G., Bourre J.M.
Regional alterations in blood to brain transfert of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid and sucrose, after chronic administration and withdrawal of dexamethasone.
J. Neurochem. 52, 684-689 (1989).